Professional Observer

According to the U.S. Department of State’s Foreign Affairs Manual (9 FAM 402.2-5(E)(3)(c)), the B-1/B-2 visitor visa (and likewise entry under the Visa Waiver Program) is appropriate for an individual “who is coming to the United States merely and exclusively to observe the conduct of business or other professional or vocational activity … provided the alien pays for his or her own expenses.”

Examples of visiting international professionals include dentists, nurses, physical therapists, etc. You should be prepared to submit proof to the officer at the U.S. consulate and at immigration inspection at the U.S. airport that you have the funds available to support your visit to the U.S.

Steps in the Process:

  • Professional secures observership through department/division.
    • If the planned observation occurs at a UT dental clinic, visit the School of Dentistry, at a UT Health clinic, visit UT Health Physicians, and/or if the observation occurs at University Hospital, contact University Health Systems to determine the appropriate process.
    • Complete Visiting Student application through Registrar’s Office.
  • Department submits required documentation below to OIS at least 30 days in advance.
  • After OIS review and approval, department provides visiting professional with letter for visa appointment and/or for presentation at the port of entry when entering in B-1 status. If the visiting professional enters in B-2 status, s/he will have to go to deferred inspections to get a correction.
  • After visiting professional enters the U.S., the department will provide OIS with a copy of the visa stamp, if applicable, the entry stamp, and the I-94 arrival record.