Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence in Education, Discovery, and Care.

Our doors opened in 1969
On May 29, 1969, the Texas Legislature passed a bill to establish The University of Texas System School of Nursing at San Antonio in response to a nursing shortage. The San Antonio school along with schools in Austin, Galveston, Arlington, Houston, and El Paso comprised the University of Texas System School of Nursing under the leadership of President Marilyn Willman Ph.D. Dr. Margretta Styles became the first Dean of the School of Nursing at San Antonio and was elected President of the American Nurses Association. Pioneering the School of Nursing alongside Dr. Styles, were four faculty members, Debra Hymovich, Nancy Maebius, Suellen Reed, and Ruth Stewart.

Debra Hymovich, Ph.D, RN
Founding Faculty Member 1969-1971

Nancy Maebius, Ph.D, RN
Founding Faculty Member 1969-1977

Margretta Styles, Ed.D, RN
Founding Dean

Suellen Reed, Ph.D, RN
Founding Faculty Member 1969-2000

Ruth Stewart, M.S.N, RNC
Founding Faculty Member 1969-1994
Featured Event
UT Health San Antonio
President’s Gala
Honoring Karen and Ronald Herrmann
September 21, 2019
Grand Hyatt San Antonio
600 East Market Street
San Antonio, TX 78205
If you have any questions or would like to purchase tickets, please visit makelivesbetter.uthscsa.edu/gala or call 210-567-2508.
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