How to Contact the Office of International Services?

  • Who do I talk to?  
    If you aren’t working specifically with an advisor, and you don’t know who that is, contact We monitor this account multiple times a day. Keep in mind that we are hear to assist you in any way we can. Of course, if you have a question related to your immigration status, please reach out. But if you are also just struggling in general and do not know who to turn to, we are here to listen and point you in the right direction.
  • How do I make an appointment?
    Make an appointment via email to meet with the advisor overseeing your case. We have multiple options for you depending on the day and time: In-person appointments (once allowable on-campus), virtual appointments via Teams, or a phone call. Each case is nuanced and requires a more in-depth conversation. We want to make sure you are speaking with the correct advisor and that we have all the information needed to begin the conversation. Prior to your appointment, email the advisor to make sure that they have all necessary information in case research needs to be conducted. We also want to focus on holistic advising, not just answering your immigration question, but making sure you have what you need to be successful.
  • Can’t I just stop by the office at any time?
    We do not have walk-in appointments unless it is a true emergency. Only if it is an emergency, you can call 210-567-6241, email and include URGENT in the subject line, or walk in the office. Very few circumstances are emergencies, and examples include a death in the family, a visit by an ICE officer, or a dire mental health concern. If it’s a true emergency, we will respond as soon as we can. If you are in imminent danger, call 911 or UT Police.
  • Where are you located?
    OIS has moved! We are now located in the Briscoe Library on the 3rd floor, room 3.094, administrative side.
  • What if I want to call?
    You can call the main line at 210-567-6241 or the direct line for your advisor. It may be quicker to email: and provide your name, relevant background information, and specific question(s) so that we can get it to the right person.
  • How can I empower myself in a proactive way to take ownership of my status and take advantage of your resources? Don’t worry – we have you covered!
    • Refer to the robust information on our website.
    • Read our blogs for news and upcoming events.
    • Attend our workshops.
    • Follow us on Instagram.
    • Read any and all emails sent by our office.
    • Read our monthly newsletters, which are also stored on our SharePoint.
    • Read any instructions carefully and consult with an immigration attorney if it is outside the scope of our office.
    • Complete our surveys so that we can receive valuable feedback. A new survey will be sent to your inbox within the next few weeks.
    • Ultimately, you are responsible for your status and it is up to you to make sure you are proactive in planning your future.

We look forward to seeing you all in-person at a future on-campus event once the situation allows for it!

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