Generous Christmas Gift

This email below has been confirmed as malicious or fraudulent by the Information Security department. If you have received this phishing email, do not open any attachments or follow the link(s) in the message; simply delete the email.

This has been identified as a Phishing Email.

Here are the Red Flags to look for in this email.

Unexpected Offer: The email presents an unusually generous offer, which is a common tactic used in phishing to lure individuals with the promise of high-value items for free.

Generic Greeting: The email starts with a generic “Hello” rather than addressing the recipient by name, which can be indicative of a mass phishing attempt.

Request for Personal Action: The sender is asking the recipient to arrange an inspection and delivery, which may lead to further interaction outside of secure channels and possibly sharing personal information or even financial details.

Use of Free Email Service for Business Matters: The contact email provided is a Yahoo address, which is unusual for formal transactions, especially when coming from a professional or a member of a realtor association. Typically, official communications would come from a verified corporate or official domain email address.

Urgency and Scarcity: The email mentions that the offer is on a “first come, first serve basis,” a common tactic in phishing emails to create a sense of urgency and prompt quick, less-thought-out actions.

Inconsistencies and Unusual Requests: The content mentions a realtor downsizing and giving away items of significant value, which is an unusual scenario and could be a tactic to create a believable narrative for a phishing scam.


Screenshot of Email

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