Did You Got My Message

October 27, 2022

The subject line being grammatically incorrect is a good red flag that this is a scam or phishing attempt. A promise of a very large payoff is there to entice the recipient to take action. It also asks for Personally Identifiable Information (PII). When in the wrong hands, some PII is more dangerous than others. […]


October 24, 2022

This email was received by many people on campus because someone opened the attachments and downloaded a virus to their computer. Do not open any attachments you aren’t expecting. If you are unsure of a particular email, you can forward it to spam@uthscsa.edu and we will research it for you.

Invoice from Apple Store

October 21, 2022

This email looks legitimate but there are still a couple of red flags that help us identify it as fraud. PayPal boasts about its security and states it will always use your full name when emailing you. This email’s greeting was to the email address of the recipient. The second red flag is the customer […]

Document shared with you: “Faculty Bonus.docx”

October 21, 2022

This email tries to look like it is coming from the IT Help Desk, but anything coming from our Service Desk will be coming from IMS-ServiceDesk@uthscsa.edu. Another red flag is the idea that the email to share a document named Faculty Bonus would come from a help desk. The scammer uses the a Dean’s name […]

$9599.99 Deposited in Your account next day_see details

October 19, 2022

This email appears to be coming from Staples. It is possible that this is a spoofed address or a person managing that email account got a virus and sent this email out to various past customers in its email contact list. Either way, this is a dangerous email and clicking the links can result in […]

Your Purchase E-Receipt

October 19, 2022

This email is designed to convince the recipient a fraudulent charge was submitted to their PayPal account. They use the PayPal logo and even use the recipient’s full name in the greeting to make it appear authentic. They are expecting the recipient to call the toll free number to get it straightened out; but the […]