About our Technical Assistance COVID-19 Telemedicine Implementation ECHO

COVID-19 has changed how we deliver care

Telemedicine Pic

UT Health San Antonio ECHO Project and partners at the UT System Virtual Health Network launched “COVID-19 Telemedicine Implementation ECHO” to provide very practical implementation guidance to the many clinics and providers that are having to implement different levels of telemedicine in different settings at very short notice. Our first ECHO session was on Monday, March 30, 2020 and was scheduled every Monday at 2pm for 10 weeks.

The ECHO Session

COVID-19 Telemedicine Implementation ECHO didactics covered topics regarding regulatory consideration, federal regulations, technology and connectivity concerns, billing and other concerns regarding implementing telemedicine.

Following the didactic, there was a case presentation from a clinic who launched or expanded telemedicine during this COVID-19 emergency. Finally, we have a robust interactive discussion period.

Telemedicine Implementation ECHO Hub Team

The COVID-19 Telemedicine Implementation ECHO is supported by a partnership from UT Health San Antonio, UT System Virtual Health Network, and the South Central Area Health Education Centers (AHEC).

Meet the team

Session slides & recordings

Please check back often for new content. View all session recordings here.

Session 1: March 30, 2020

Session summary: On March 30, UT Health San Antonio launched the COVID-19 Telemedicine Implementation ECHO to provide guidance and support for clinics and providers having to implement telemedicine at short notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Session didactics focused on: 1) Regulatory considerations 2) Hardware/software support; and 3) Clinical considerations for telehealth. The case presentation explored telemedicine launch in a practice without telemedicine tools integrated in the electronic medical record.

Session 2: April 6, 2020

Session summary: Session didactics provided a deeper dive into regulatory and technological considerations for launching telemedicine. The presenting site discussed rapid launch of telemedicine tools in a practice serving 2,200+ clients.

Session 3: April 13, 2020

Session Summary: This session didactic focused on protocol development and highlighted regulations and technology considerations.
The session featured a presentation from a community pharmacist who had shifted to “tele-strategies” during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Session 4: April 20, 2020

Session Summary: This session didactic recapped from our 1st session, covering: 1) Regulatory considerations 2) Hardware/software support; and 3) Clinical considerations for maintaining standard of care and professionalism from a home office.

Session 5: April 27, 2020

Session Summary: This session didactic covered billing/coding for Telemedicine.

Session 6: May 4, 2020

Session Summary: This session didactic covered Telemental health services. The case study discussed delivering behavioral health services via tele-technologies.

Session 7: May 11, 2020 

Session Summary: This session didactic covered STD Services in Telemedicine. The case study was presented by the KIND clinic who discussed their shift to telemedicine.

Session 8: May 18, 2020

Session Summary: This session didactic provided an overview of strategies and considerations for transitioning telemedicine practice beyond the emergency declaration period. A case presentation was delivered by a Family Physician at the Robert B. Green Family Health Center, who discussed the clinic’s shift to telemedicine and plans for sustaining these services.

Session 9: June 1, 2020

Session Summary: This session didactic presented on considerations for protocol development and patient population planning in the post-COVID-19 emergency period. The case presentation was provided by Basin Assistance Services, a non-profit Ryan White HIV/AIDS service organization in Odessa, TX who discussed their telemedicine process.

Session 10: June 8, 2020 

Session Summary: This session didactic was an interactive demonstration on a medical camera equipment used for telemedicine, followed by a recapped of key points on telemedicine implementation and transitioning beyond the COVID-19 emergency declaration period. The case presentation was from PILLAR, a mental health and addiction care provider based in Laredo, TX.