Behavior Intervention and Threat Assessment Team (BIT) – Campus Awareness Requires Everyone (CARE)
The Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) strives to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the entire university community by preventing and resolving incidents of violence across campus, with an emphasis on addressing sexual harassment, stalking, dating and domestic violence, and sexual assault. The BIT Team convenes several times each semester to address issues of safety and violence on campus. To share a concern or make a referral about a UT Health San Antonio colleague, friend or perhaps even yourself, who may need help in dealing with a difficult situation, contact 210-567-2273. To learn more about the BIT Team and/or the CARE program, please visit the webpages by clicking on the corresponding boxes to the right.
Safe Walk
The UT Health San Antonio Police Department Safe Walk program provides uniformed public safety officers to safely escort students, faculty, and staff around campus upon request. Contact 210-567-2800, option 3 or visit the UT Health San Antonio Police Department’s Safe Walk webpage by clicking on the corresponding box.
HSC Alert
The HSC Alert is the text and email notification system for emergencies and campus closures at UT Health San Antonio. The UT Health San Antonio community automatically receives HSC Alert messages through members’ email accounts. To sign up for an HSC text alert, visit the Campus Status webpage by clicking on the corresponding box and then clicking on HSC Alert. The system will prompt the UT Health San Antonio member to log in and insert his/her/their cell phone number(s) and service provider(s).
The Office of Educational Support Services works with those impacted by prohibited conduct or in need of accommodations and supportive services, to connect them with available support and resource options. Resources include both on-campus and off-campus resources.