Workers Compensation
Workers’ Compensation Insurance
UT Health San Antonio is ranked third lowest among all health education institutions for injury cost per employee. Additionally, there was more than a $50,000 reduction in total benefit expenditures between FY 2005 and FY 2006 and a decrease in premium rates between FY 2006 and FY 2007.
Workers’ Compensation Insurance (WCI) provided by UT Health San Antonio is funded by The University of Texas System (UT System) through a self-insured WC program. Cannon Cochran Management Services Inc. (CCMSI) administers this program. Administering the program includes receiving, investigating, and making liability determinations on WCI claims; determining the reasonableness and necessity of medical treatment and services; generating income benefit payments to injured employees and medical payments to health care providers.
The Environmental Health & Safety Department manages the workers’ compensation process by:
- Conducting accident investigations and analysis to prevent future injuries.
- Ensuring employee injuries are reported timely and within the guidelines of the law.
- Coordinating quality medical care for injured employees.
- Promoting early and safe return to work.
- Providing effective customer service.
- The Health Science Center is in compliance with the Workers’ Compensation statute and Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) rules.
- Conducting training for departments and supervisors on worker’s compensation issues
What should an employee do if injured on the job?
- Notify your supervisor immediately, no matter how minor the injury may seem. Report all unsafe working conditions to your supervisor or the Environmental Health & Safety Department. Complete the First Report of Injury and submit to Krissy Ramirez.
- If necessary, obtain medical attention. UT Health San Antonio is part of a certified workers’ compensation healthcare network, operated by Injury Management Organization. Injured employees who live within the network service area are required to treat with IMO Med-Select Network providers. Inform the medical provider that your injury is work-related. Your department will provide you with a Notification of an On-the-Job Injury form to give to your medical provider.
- The Worker’s Compensation Pharmacy Form should be presented to your pharmacy so that you can receive medications prescribed for the work-related injury only. In addition to the traditional form, there is an option to implement a convenient, new form called Text2Fill. Using the Text2Fill process you can receive the Rx First Fill card directly on your mobile phone by using text messages. This new form can be used in addition to or in place of the traditional form.
- If you miss work due to an on-the-job injury, you must keep your supervisor informed of your work status by providing a Division of Workers’ Compensation Work Status Report (DWC 73) after each doctor visit. The doctor’s office must provide the report to the injured employee.
- If you miss time from work, you must also complete the Workers’ Compensation Leave of Absence form to select the type of leave you wish to use. The form is provided by your department.
- When the doctor releases you to return to work, you must report to work at the beginning of your next regularly scheduled shift. The DWC 73 report from your doctor indicating a return-to-work date or any work-related limitations must be given to your supervisor before you may return.
For more information, contact the Workers’ Compensation Coordinator in the Environmental Health & Safety Department at 210-567-2955.
WCI Contact Information
Krissy Ramirez
Workers’ Compensation Program Coordinator
Environmental Health & Safety Department
210-567-2965 Fax
Needlestick Procedure